The Tour Experience Media Company
A media company created by TTE founder, Steve "Bro" Brotherhood, and the UK sustainable digital marketing company, Shrinker Digital.
Our vision is to make golf's digital marketing the most sustainable possible. We do this by ensuring all of our campaigns are created in such a way as to require the amount of energy possible.
As the internet continues to grow, so does its carbon footprint. The production of the electricity needed to power the internet currently creates more Co2 than the aviation industry.
TTEMC is dedicated to ensuring that its digital products are contained in the smallest possible file sizes. This ensures that less energy (and by extension less Co2) is required to complete those everyday actions we all undertake without thinking about the environment. Video data accounts for 80% of internet traffic: downloading, streaming, sharing, hosting videos on the internet contribute to Co2 emissions.
TTEMC offer your company the chance to have your brand promoted like never before.
We specialise in creating content in multiple languages and in all aspect ratios to guarantee your message plays perfectly across all your online and offline digital platforms: including UHD digital screens, your website and social media channels.
We provide onsite videography & photography as well as a wide range of post-production editing options including animation, overlays and various other computer generated after effects.